Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I see Globalization in this story,  since Mozambique depends on Russia for their bread, when Russia's prices go up the cost for the bread must go up and it affects all the people of Mozambique. 

Population:    21,669,278

Life Expectancy:   41.18 years

TFR:   5.13 children born/woman (2010 est.)

Religion:   Catholic 23.8%, Muslim 17.8%, Zionist Christian 17.5%, other 17.8%, none 23.1% (1997 census)

Literacy:   47.8%

Independence:  25 June 1975 (from Portugal)

Labor Force by Occupation:   agriculture: 81%, industry: 6%, services: 13% (1997 est.)

Population below poverty line:  70% (2001 est.)

% of land that is arable:  5.43%

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