Monday, October 11, 2010

Israel vs. Palestinian

        The article I chose was clearly pro- Palestinian.  I chose this because you don’t often see the Palestinian view on the oppression they are suffering and why.  And if they do it is doesn’t always tell the whole story.  This article is from the prospective of a journalist that was held in captivity and about what she experiences.  While she was being questioned by the Israeli officials she asked her interrogator if he believed he was above International Law and he replied “Of course; we are the Law.”    He also showed her pictures of people he had beaten, and was bragging of how he was so violent and was glad his son was following in his footsteps.  He was telling her how he loved doing anything that involved violence.  The journalist had also worked with prisoner rights organizations and listened to all the stories of the unthinkable treatment of Palestinian prisoners their families by the Israeli government. She also tells of how Israel is incapable of trying their soldiers and that it is obvious they will never try the officials.  She says that if the UK gives in to Israeli pressure and amends the law that tries Israeli officials that enforce these horrifying attacks, no one would be safe.  It is happening already.  

Cited Source:
Bowyer,  Renee. 2010, October 11.  Exclusive eye-witness account: Universal Jurisdiction on trial.  Middle East Monitor.  Retreived From:

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